Every Monday and Friday we invite you behind the scenes to the people, places or things that inspire us.
Thomas Fuchs Remains Skull Cocktail Shaker
Macabre, portentous, and darkly alluring - The Remains Collection from Thomas Fuchs brings us face to face with our own mortality. What better way to while away our time remaining than sipping champagne chilled to the bone in a tombstone bucket.
Handmade and carved out of one solid block of marble using traditional techniques including hand-carving, wax-casting and glass blowing, our stunning objects will bring a lifetime of enjoyment...and beyond.
The Skull carved faces that are on either side of the champagne bucket are used as handles to lift the 20 pound marble bucket which is available in white or black marble.

Inspired by nature, Thomas Fuchs creates timeless objects featuring a classic aesthetic but with a markedly modern twist. Art, in all of its infinite forms, is a catalyst for Fuchs, who has designed furniture, created Venetian glass forms, and is an avid painter.
Thomas' designs with the “golden mean” in mind, using a geometric construct that heavily informs his work. His designs have been showcased at the Ritz-Carlton Miami, Bellagio, and Venetian Las Vegas as well as Barneys and Bergdorf Goodman.

Remains Skull Coasters and Silver Bottle Stand
Start your weekend right by logging in and picking up a set of our skull barware perfect for pregame Inauguration partying ! We look forward to 4 years of healing , light and love for all.
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/63487-giyos-boytoyev-alam-qilsin.html]G’iyos Boytoyev – Alam Qilsin[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/54193-ahmadjon-tojiboyev-raqqosa-qiz.html]Ahmadjon Tojiboyev – Raqqosa qiz[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/43033-dominika-kassety.html]Доминика – Кассеты[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/20441-slava-kpss-kriminalnaja-rossija.html]Слава КПСС – Криминальная Россия[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/114437-irina-kulkova-ja-zhila-dlja-nego.html]Ирина Кулькова – Я Жила Для Него[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/46726-neondeath-martini.html]Neondeath – Мартини[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/81983-via-sirius-moscow-amsterdam.html]VIA Sirius – Moscow-Amsterdam[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/63743-yusuf-samarqandning-yollari.html]Yusuf – Samarqandning yo’llari[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/40336-leonid-romanjuk-pjanaja-vishnja-remix.html]Леонид Романюк – Пьяная Вишня (Remix)[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/42547-viktor-gurchenko-skripach.html]Виктор Гурченко – Скрипач[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/119651-tati-mylnye-puzyri.html]Тати – Мыльные Пузыри[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/13810-skilement-pjanyj-sibirjak.html]Skilement – Пьяный Сибиряк[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/76500-ira-psp-igrushki.html]Ира PSP – Игрушки[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/50630-t1one-amp-grani-reali-edinstvennyj-povod.html]T1One & Грани Реали – Единственный Повод[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/42088-infiniti-ty-prosto-kosmos-alexey-kutuzov-sg-remix.html]Инфинити – Ты просто космос (Alexey Kutuzov SG remix)[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/36647-azeez-aka-samaya-feat-eldorbek.html]Azeez aka – Samaya (feat Eldorbek)[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/34309-alisa-milosh-ja-govorju-tebe-da.html]Алиса Милош – Я Говорю Тебе Да[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/34602-pasha-proorok-prosto-pesnja.html]Паша Proorok – Просто песня[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/113046-najt-my-razbivaem-serdca.html]Найт – Мы Разбиваем Сердца[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/124714-juice-wrld-conversations.html]Juice WRLD – Conversations[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/88267-mihail-shufutinskij-dekabristka-xx-veka.html]Михаил Шуфутинский – Декабристка XX века[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/74468-within-temptation-supernova.html]Within Temptation – Supernova[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/114737-ramil-nabran-tempi-tut.html]Ramil Nabran – Tempi Tut[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/54867-tyler-the-creator-gone-gone-thank-you.html]Tyler, The Creator – GONE, GONE / THANK YOU[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/130936-mussa-ajbazov-tolko-ty.html]Мусса Айбазов – Только ты[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/65153-ljubov-popova-ona-varila-varene.html]Любовь Попова – Она Варила Варенье[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/73687-xurshid-rasulov-mayda-mayda.html]Xurshid Rasulov – Mayda mayda[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/50005-don-davis-chief-stroking-rattle.html]Don Davis — Chief Stroking Rattle[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/18069-jurij-gerljajn-ne-govori.html]Юрий Герляйн – Не Говори[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/50860-dj-sandro-escobar-beskonechnost.html]DJ Sandro Escobar – Бесконечность[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/49094-purpur-feat-dub-beans-adam.html]Pur:Pur feat. Dub Beans – Адам[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/45332-jung-yong-hwa-melody.html]Jung Yong Hwa – Melody[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/35509-reflex-dym-i-tancy-evan-lake-slow-remix.html]Reflex – Дым и Танцы (evan lake slow remix)[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/12595-bott-na-jamajku.html]BOTT – На Ямайку[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/95536-azamat-pheshhov-ryzhaja.html]Азамат Пхешхов – Рыжая[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/11786-big-baby-tape-98-flow-feat-haski.html]Big Baby Tape – 98 Flow (feat. Хаски)[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/5950-oksana-pochepa-muzyka-detstva.html]Оксана Почепа – Музыка Детства[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/1098-kosta-lakosta-iraida-ne-shukaj.html]Коста Лакоста, IRAIDA – Не шукай[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/113041-pavel-kempel-krot.html]Pavel Kempel – Крот[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/102110-skriptonit-shug.html]СКРИПТОНИТ – Шуг[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/90271-bunyodbek-sodiqov-voydod.html]Bunyodbek Sodiqov – Voydod[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/116532-kiddi-drama-freestyle.html]КИДДИ – DRAMA FREESTYLE[/url]
[url=https://muzmyza.club/41809-timur-vagapov-carica.html]Тимур Вагапов – Царица[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/124113-redfoo-new-thang-tiktok-remix.html]Redfoo – New Thang (TikTok Remix)[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/48968-kornej-bumshakalakala.html]КОРНЕЙ – БУМШАКАЛАКАЛА[/url]
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[url=https://muzmyza.club/79353-dilshod-rahmonov-qandoq.html]Dilshod Rahmonov – Qandoq[/url]
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